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Speak to Me!
The Lotus Project not only trains mentors to help empower young women, but also has ambassadors available to lead many other sessions.
Need a speaker? We have worked with elementary school students on positive self talk, engaged hundreds of high school freshmen men and women on healthy relationships and sexual assault awareness and prevention and have even inspired groups of community leaders and parents on how they can impact positively to the self esteem of young people.
Need a break out session for a conference? We have you covered there, too.
Current Workshops by LaRissa
Mentors Matter: Connecting with Teens and Colleagues Through Mentoring
Positive Self Talk - with a Polaroid Activity (What you say to yourself matters!)
Stress Reduction for EVERYONE (Yoga, relaxation, tips to take)
Healthy Relationships (What is it? What is it not? Consent.)
Mindset Manifest (shifting our inner dialog to create success and self esteem)
Personal Branding (What is it? Why does it matter? How do you create yours?)
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