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  • Dina Merhbi, Registered Dietitian

The Truth About a Healthy Physical Foundation

Let's welcome Dina Merhbi to the Lotus Project! I thought it would be smart to start thinking about getting healthy every day, not just as a "resolution" at the New Year. Let's think about our health NOW, not later. Let's take baby steps together! LP

Taking care of your health can seem overwhelming, but true health can be achieved by taking 1 small step at a time. And, it can be confusing regarding where to start, but best thing is to start at the basic level that every human would reap benefits from: Blood sugar stability.

Blood sugar stability is key to all-day energy, a healthy metabolism, stabilize your hunger and fullness throughout the day, treat hypoglycemia, and decrease emotional eating and sugar cravings. This is also crucial for many health issues: diabetes, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), migraines, triglyceride levels (related to heart disease), hypoglycemia, improved focus/concentration, just to name a few. So, if something is crucial for all the reasons listed above, it is pretty much crucial for everyone to follow.

Blood glucose stability is the first step to health no matter what goal you have. By feeding your body according to the guidelines mentioned below, you will reset your body into being in true balance.

But patience is key. Follow the concepts for at least 2 weeks is need to start seeing the benefits behind them, and for at least 3 months to start rewiring your health.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Key concepts

  • Eat within the first hour of waking up.

  • ​If you skip this important snack/meal in your day, you are informing your body that you are in a famine state. This will lead to a slower metabolism to ‘save’ calories for future use.

  • This is crucial to let your body know it is time to wake up and start working. This is where you push the start button on your metabolism and dictate how the rest of the day will be.

  • Eat every 3 hrs, no matter what.

  • Your blood sugar levels vary every few hours. By eating every 3 hours, you are starting to normalize your internal clock and get your metabolism into a healthy level.

  • Set an alarm to remind you about your new routine

  • No new routine is easy to integrate. Use as many resources as possible to remember to eat regularly.

  • You can set timers on your phone, or use an app to keep your body functioning at optimal levels.

  • Always ensure you have a carbohydrate/sugar item with a protein item for all meals and snacks:

  • Carbohydrate/sugar item: fruits, grains, desserts, ice cream, chocolate, juice, potatoes, corn, peas

  • Protein item: milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, fish, chicken, nuts, seeds, eggs, tofu, beans

  • Vegetables: these are items that increase your intake of vitamins and minerals, and should be part of lunch and dinner, and some snacks if needed

Your body needs to reset so that we can reprogram it properly keeping health in mind and also to help you reach your goals. You can do it ☺

Dina Merhbi, Body Balance Strategist

Dina Merhbi is a Registered Dietitian, NLP coach and Yoga Instructor.

Dina Merhbi is a Registered Dietitian for over 18 years, 500-hr certified yoga instructor, NLP practioner, and leading expert in nutrition and body balance health.

Her signature program, The Body Balance Method, helps clients get off the never-ending dieting rollercoaster with her 5-step system, and create a lasting emotional and physical change so as to gain confidence and release unwanted eating behaviors.

Dina’s intuitive and holistic approach to health and wellness focuses on all areas that can block someone from reaching their best health, which are all covered in her Body Balance Method signature program: Mindset; Powerful Nutrition; Change your thoughts, change your life; Detox and Declutter; Thrive for life.

As a leading health expert in her field and on various media channels, she is on a mission to help women and men get out of the unhealthy eating loop and create a healthy and wealthy mindset while eating their favorite foods.

Over the past 18 years, Dina has helped thousands of women and men reach a balanced healthy lifestyle without dieting, gain energy without endless cups of coffee , and create more space to spend with their family, friends, and business without letting go of their health.

Please check out her plan, story and FREE GUIDE at or

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