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  • LaRissa, LP Inspire

Try A Phrase Instead...

Happy New Year! A new year is always a good time to pause, reflect, and make a plan. Growing up, most of my big resolutions involved my body - losing weight, getting fit, growing my hair. (I bought a lot of supplements that year that did nothing for my hair, btw.) Most of these plans were short lived, not very healthy and not impactful. None of these pushed me to reflect on my heart and soul. What was I already doing well? What was holding me back?

As I grew older, I came to realize that my mindset was what needed to change. Instead of creating resolutions that weren’t reasonable, I started setting SMART goals. (Check out this post about how to do that.) Creating SMART goals allowed me to take baby steps and make changes in a healthy way. I found much more success. But, the thing that has made an even bigger impact on me has been to give myself an annual word or phrase to remind me of the direction I want to be headed. It became like a mantra. I love my “words of the year.”

A few years ago it was "Be Brave". I chose this because I realized I was unintentionally taking the easy way, the comfortable way, with my business. I always made the "safe bet." I was afraid of failing and was not taking healthy risks. So "Be Brave" helped push me to make some out-of-my-comfort-zone decisions and it was so helpful.

Last year, my phrase was "Learn and Grow". I was frustrated that I couldn’t do it all all at once. I was losing patience with myself and I also felt overwhelmed with the resources available to me. There was so much to do! So much new material to try to utilize! "Learn and Grow" helped me to realize that it was a good thing to pause, to take a class, educate myself in order to grow my business or do some self improvement. It helps remind me that life is a journey and change isn't usually instantaneous, but required hard work, education, and dedication.

So, now that we’re looking 2018 right in the face, I’d like to pick a new phrase and I’d like you to work on one as well. You’ll be happy you did.

Some questions to ask yourself first:

  • What do I do well?

  • What changes would I like to see?

  • How do you hold yourself back?

  • What positive messages resonate with you most?

Some ideas:

If your inner dialogue is negative, how about...

I have a gift.

Strength and honor.

No mind bullies.

If you’re in a state of overwhelm...

I am enough.

Strong and resilient.

If you always feel like you should be doing everything like everyone else...

Should is a shame word.

Stop shoulding on yourself.

If you keep drawing in toxic people and things...

Break away.

I'm worth better.

If you're in need of positive reinforcement...

Lead with love.

Do it scared.

Be brave.

I'm tough.

Choose something that fits with you best! Nobody knows you the way you know yourself. Take some time to get into your head to remind yourself what you really need.

If you’re looking for some positive affirmations, check out our Instagram and Facebook page for #AffirmationFriday and lots of other inspiring nuggets.

Happy New Year! LaRissa

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