Five Steps to a Drama-free (or Drama-filled) Summer
The choice is yours
Summer is almost here and that means a long-awaited break from school. Summer break is meant for making marvelous memories. But as countless news reports have shown, some teens will mess it up even before it even begins. From posting inappropriate pics to starting drama online, there are some surefire ways to have a miserable summer break.
Here are the top five tips to ensure a drama-free or drama-filled summer:
5. Cyberstalk your ex. As tempting as it may be to check your ex’s Instagram daily for new likes and comments from admirers, you should probably focus on something else – like yourself.
4. Get in a Twitter fight with a celebrity. We all love to voice our opinions about celebrities who do crazy things, have wardrobe malfunctions or make fashion faux paus. But resist getting into a battle with a famous person – especially Beyonce. The Beyhive stings.
3. Put your BFF on blast via social media. Sure, best friends can disappoint us or even do jerky things from time to time. But, there is a better way to bring this to their attention rather than posting a shady status update. Pick up the phone, send an email or IM him or her and ask for your old friend back!
2. Post incriminating pics on Instagram. This is one of the best ways to kiss your potential summer internship or college acceptance good-bye. Even if everyone else is doing it, DO NOT post pics of drug or alcohol use, private parts or illegal activity online.
1. Do something productive. I know. This doesn’t follow the format of the other tips because you actually SHOULD engage in productive activities. Volunteer for a worthy cause, get a summer internship or learn a new skill. Keeping yourself occupied will keep you out of trouble and give you a confidence boost.
Rasheda Kamaria Williams is a mentor turned social entrepreneur on a mission to transform the way young people relate to one another. She is founder/chief empowering officer for Empowered Flower Girl and author of “Be EmPOWERed: How to Live Above & Beyond Life’s Drama.” A survivor of bullying, Rasheda was featured in Cosmopolitan magazine in the article “Being Bullied Changed My Life.” Connect with her at